On the assumption that this button is just a small part of a larger component where all profiles see the other parts you have not shown, you need to make the button rendering conditional:
<template if:true={canDeactivate}>
<lightning-button slot="actions" label="Deactivate" onclick={DeactivateProcess}>
This is using a property from your LWC called canDeactivate which is only set true when the user should have this facility.
Now, just how you set this property is what you need to decide. Many people would simply check the profile name and set the property true for those specific profiles. This, for me, is a hack. It is fragile and the code must be updated to add or remove profile options.
The approach I recommend is to add a custom permission, e.g. CanDeactivateXyz (where Xyz is the name of whatever it is the button allows to be deactivated) and simply check if the user has this permission. You add this permission to the profiles (or permission sets or groups) you want.
LWC even has a really simple way to check for the user having a custom permission, as covered in the documentation:
import hasPermission from '@salesforce/customPermission/CanDeactivateXyz';
export default class MyLWC extends LightningElement {
canDeactivate = hasPermission;
If this is a complete component just for the button, this approach is still valid though you need to make sure the component remains visible to avoid strange spacing issues in the lightning page when the user cannot deactivate. This can be addressed using a leaf out of @ThomasWinter's suggestion by simply updating the entire template to be:
<lightning-button slot="actions" label="Deactivate"
onclick={DeactivateProcess} disabled={cannotDeactivate}>
And flipping the permission:
export default class MyLWC extends LightningElement {
cannotDeactivate = !hasPermission;
This approach ensures the button remains visible but is disabled for users without the required permission. Rather strangely, the disabled attribute is not covered in the standard documentation for this component, but it does work.