I'm trying to set up some reporting in service cloud which shows the volumes of contacts/responses sent by the agents.

A little bit about how the workflow is set up internally:

  • cases come in and are assigned to a queue
  • work from this queue is assigned to the agents to pick up and respond to
  • when an agent sends a response, the work is added back into the queue whilst waiting for a customer response. When a customer response is received, this can be reassigned - either back to the original agent, or to another

As cases are assigned back to the main queue (or to different agents following subsequent responses), I cannot build a report based on case owner (as it changes between the initial queue and potentially multiple agents - so will be mis-attributed). I cannot see any field we can use which can identify the volume of individual emails/contacts sent by the agents - but I'm not sure if I'm just not looking in the right report type.

Has anyone been able to set up a report (or is there a field I'm missing) which shows the outgoing volumes of contacts for agents?

1 Answer 1


A non-report, but SOQL solution would look like this:

SELECT count(id), createdBy.name 
      FROM EmailMessage 
      WHERE createdDate = THIS_WEEK and ParentId != null
      GROUP BY Createdby.name

If your outbound emails are logged as Activities, then you can use Report Type Activities with Cases, Filter by Activity.Type and Group by Activity Created By to get counts

  • It looks like our emails are being logged as activity, and I've been able to set up a report which shows exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you very much!
    – Rob
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 15:03
  • Cool. Glad to be of help. As a service to the Community you should mark answer as accepted.
    – cropredy
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 15:07

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