Yes, but not as simply as it sounds.
Basically, you would have to use the REST API to send an email test send based off subscriber data.
So to do this, you would need to either have a default 'test data' DE that you use, or you would have to have this as a field in your form for the Brand team to add in.
See this article from my blog for detailed info on testing/preview via REST API.
The endpoint we would be looking at is: POST: /guide/v1/emails/preview/send
This API Endpoint would require the following payload:
"dataSource": {
"id": "{{deid}}",
"row": {{row}},
"type": "DataExtension"
"emailID": "{{emailid}}",
"isMultipart": true,
"options": {
"EnableETURLs": "true"
"recipients": [
"sendManagement": {
"sendClassificationID": "{{sendClassificationID}}",
"deliveryProfileID": "{{deliveryProfileID}}",
"senderProfileID": "{{senderProfileID}}"
"subjectPrefix": "[Test]:",
"suppressTracking": true,
"trackLinks": true
So you would need:
- Data Extension ID (deid)
- Row Number (row) [Optional]
- Email ID (emailid)
- Recipient email address list
- sendClassificationID (sendClassificationID)
- deliveryProfileID (deliveryProfileID) [Optional]
- senderProfileID (senderProfileID) [Optional]
The sendClassificationID would need to be gathered via SOAP API to get the value to add there.
So whatever way you are able to create your process to allow for the above, you can then create an automated test send page that is not reliant on User-Initiated Sends (Automation Studio Sends) or Triggered Send Definitions.