I found links to this question but was not able to post my query on the same link and was also confused by the existing answer.

On the Webassessor --> Edit Profile page there are 3 email address fields:

  1. Email Address
  2. Email Address associated with your Salesforce account
  3. Webassessor login (which is also an email address) In my case all of these are my official company email id (eg: [email protected])

How do I get all of these to be updated to my personal email address (at both Salesforce & Kryterion) without impacting my certification data/account? What exactly do I have to do?

Any help will be much appreciated.


2 Answers 2


I've had to do this. Whilst you can change most details on the Edit Profile page, your e-mail address is something you can't change. You'll need to contact them directly, you can use [email protected] to ask them to change those details.

How do I get all of these to be updated to my personal email address (at both Salesforce & Kryterion) without impacting my certification data/account?

For clarity on this, your Salesforce and Kryterion aren't one and the same, they're totally seperate. Changing your Kryterion address will not affect your certifications. What it will do, however, on Salesforce's Verification site is change lookups to your new address. So if someone is used to typing [email protected] and you change it to [email protected], they'll find nothing for the former but your certs for the latter.


To change your e-mail on Kryterion, you have to contact them.


Thank you Dan & Robin !! This worked for me. [email protected] changed my Webassessor login to my personal email Id. After changing the following emails in the Webassessor profile - 1. Email Address 2. Email Address associated with your Salesforce account, I did check the Verification section on certification.salesforce.com It did not show my certs against the personal email Id. So I opened a case with Salesforce certification team. They have now tagged my cert records to my personal email instead of the company email as was earlier.

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    – Adrian Larson
    Commented Feb 8, 2018 at 15:10

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