We have Salesforce data coming into Marketing Cloud (exacttarget) via Data Stream and have a query using the Synchronized data to create a Shared Data Extension. However, one of my queries isn't giving the correct number of records (223,256) compared to a report in SF (317,673).
My Query looks like this:
o.id as [Opportunity ID],
CASE WHEN adloc.Name != '' THEN adloc.Name
ELSE loc.Name END as [Opportunity Location],
...(more CASE statements)...
FROM Opportunity_Salesforce o
LEFT JOIN Location__c_Salesforce adloc
on o.admitted_location__c = adloc.id
...(more LEFT JOIN statements)...
WHERE o.closedate > GETDATE() AND o.isclosed = 'FALSE'
I have a nervous feeling that the multiple LEFT JOINs might be my problem (eg it only gives results where all are there?), I'm not a SQL master by any means.
The Salesforce report has the following Filters:
Opportunity Close Date greater than TODAY
AND Closed equals False