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8 votes

Strange error is showing when trying to open partner security portal with primary partner community user

After I opened a Salesforce support case, I was told to open the following link ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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4 votes
Accepted Source Scanner Results: FLS Update and Create

You still need the FLS checks. The reason why is that administrators could choose to create a new Permission Set and allow users access to the code but not the fields for whatever reason, or even edit ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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3 votes

Salesforce code analyzer DFA

Am I doing something wrong here? Not that I can tell. For a security review I need to submit clean reports / document false positives is this a false positive? Presumably, yes. Also, you should see ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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1 vote

For stripInaccessible checks on READ operation discard unsanitized data

I'm not sure how sf scanner dfa is executed in your case and what version used. I have tried 4.2.0 and 3.26.0 and inserting a run before the dfa, I get 5 columns as output: Source Location, Sink ...
Felix van Hove's user avatar

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