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Price Rules in Salesforce CPQ

Price rules act on the records that meet the criteria. In this case, you might need to make a summary variable that summarizes how many add-ons have been purchased. Then you can use that summary ...
Daniel Hoechst's user avatar
1 vote

In price rules, lookup query Tested field not showing "CurrencyIsoCode" value

Tested Field is just a picklist field on SBQQ__LookupQuery__c object. If you want to have an additional value, you need to manually add an API name of desired field from Quote, Quote Line or Product ...
Szymon Halik's user avatar
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Customize CPQ Clone Line Function

Use of Custom Action Plugin and the onAfterCloneLine method provided result. Salesforce documentation provided here:
Mike Paisner's user avatar
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Brand new CPQ: how to get Price Action > Target Field populated? Only manually?

I added the value I needed to Target Field but I can't see it when I try to build my Price Action. What's missing?
Brad Forbes's user avatar
1 vote

Brand new CPQ: how to get Price Action > Target Field populated? Only manually?

Yes, you have to enter the field names that you want to target in the picklist definition in setup. You could potentially build something using the metadata API, but that would be pretty difficult.
Daniel Hoechst's user avatar
1 vote

Salesforce CPQ - is there a list of applied Price Rules per Quote Line?

OOTB there's nothing that does this, but by adding a long text area to the QL and adding a price action that concatenates the existing string in the long text area with the price rule name of that is ...
Austin Wolff's user avatar

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