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Questions tagged [sandbox-clone]

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3 votes
2 answers

Does Cloning a Salesforce Sandbox Copy ALL Data and Metadata?

I will be cloning a Partial-Dev box to another Partial-Dev box. I'm trying to understand if all data will be copied over along with configurations and metadata in executing a clone of a sandbox. Are ...
magdalena's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How to Delete Clone sandbox? [closed]

My Query is to delete the clone sandbox, how could I do that although I have all the admin permission.
Nishant Chaudhary's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can I block executing a certain flow in a sandbox env?

We have a scheduled flow which we do not want to be invoked in the sandbox. Is it possible in any way to prevent that ? manual option would be to just 'Deactivate' the flow like soql: SELECT ...
Saariko's user avatar
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Is there some standardized way to ensure custom settings are not automatically cloned into Sandboxes?

Among other things, our custom settings include URLs for production servers and credentials to access those servers. Arguably, some of these things should probably be Named Credentials, but the ...
Brian Kessler's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Clone Full Sandbox to Developer Sandbox?

Is it possible to clone a Full Sandbox into a Dev Sandbox? I tried using clone but it wouldnt allow me as SF tried to do a like for like clone (full sandbox to full sandbox)
Bobbygllh's user avatar
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how to make copy of custom object to from sandbox to other sandbox

I'm trying to make a copy of custom object from a sandbox to other sandbox, like by using "Change Sets". However, that was not successfull and I cannot find good ways of doing that. How can I move ...
Shinya's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to create a Dev Org from Full sandbox?

I would like to create a Developer Edition Org from Full. I haven't been able to find anything online for this, maybe I'm just bad at searching. Is it possible? Is a specific license needed?
SFAdmin's user avatar
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1 answer

Clone sandbox option is not working. I want it to clone Courioo03 sandbox for testing and staging

I want to clone my sandbox Courioo03 for testing but the option to clone isn't showing there. What could be the solution for testing and staging using an enterprise edition?
Kartik.S's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

how do we log into a Salesforce cloned sandbox? [closed]

i have cloned an existing sandbox in salesforce. the email id of the sandbox has been updated with .invalid. now when i try to log into the sandbox the verification code is being send to the email id ...
saurav choudhary's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to prevent certain flows from being cloned

Is it possible to prevent certain flows from being accessed when someone clone a sandbox?
Angela's user avatar
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