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Questions tagged [oncomplete]

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Visualforce Page - Prevent onComplete With JQuery If Condition Does Not Meet

Folks, I have a button calling a function in JQuery and it has onComplete attribute. I want to check if the condition has been met or not , if not onComplete will not fire. Here the condition I want ...
Pam's user avatar
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Email from ApexPage never arrives and no exception is thrown

I have a feature that sends emails to final user after an action is completed. It is done by calling the oncomplete function on a commandButton on a ApexPage. The testClass for the feature works fine, ...
Olavo Alexandrino's user avatar
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oncomplete, pass recordId variable into URL

How can I replace my oncomplete in the apex:commandButton to have a variable in it? Specifically, instead of going to the Account list I'm trying to get the whole page to reload for the record it's on ...
Harley's user avatar
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attachment pdf loop not working

I have a problem with a oncomplete button. The goal is to do a loop throughout all my custom object and to generate a pdf and attach it to my custom object. I manage with the following loop to attach ...
Tibgg's user avatar
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Action Function On Complete Event

I have a VF Page where one link is to generate email of current detail page content. Once the email has been triggered to the user we need to show pop-up msg that the email has been sent. So i have a ...
Ravi Ranjan's user avatar
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How do I cancel a '' from a commandbutton?

I have the following CommandButton: <apex:commandButton value="View Statement" action="{!openInvestmentStatement}" title="View Statement" oncomplete="window....
Irene's user avatar
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How Do I Use The "oncomplete" Function To Refresh A Different Visualforce Page?

Is it possible to update a different visualforce page using the "oncomplete" function? I have a visualforce page that I would like to have the ability to refresh various other Visualforce pages when ...
Daniel Bleasdale's user avatar
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Prevent reloading of Page on oncomplete of actionfunction

I have below code where I want to do an action to apex action function and oncomplete of it want to call a javascript function. Unfortunately instead of calling the action the action function in my ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Oncomplete event in not calling jquery function

I'm using jquery pagination in VF page. So when I re-render the table then jquery pagination functionality is not showing. Reference link. So I've to call the jquery function addDataTable from ...
Amol's user avatar
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Save and close VF page Pop Up on Single Click [duplicate]

I am trying to save and close a VF page on clicking 'Save' command button.Here's my code <script type="text/javascript"> function closewindow(){ window.close(); geopointe....
Deepika Raina's user avatar
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how to stop firing oncomplete if save action has errors

My requirement is to stop oncomplete call if save action has errors. I know I am doing some silly mistake. Here I am unable to stop calling oncomplete function. Requirement is, from VFP save method,...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
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CommandButton oncomplete JS function not firing [duplicate]

I have run into an issue with an apex:command button, where the oncomplete part of the process is not being called, and prevents the button from completing its action. The VF page is a component on a ...
TheMikeyBoosh's user avatar
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error message on oncomplete in visualforce page

I would Like to add Error message on visualfocepage if save button logic has error. this part is working ,but i need to show popup if there are no error to add condition to show popup ...
Sriram's user avatar
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CommandButton: conditional oncomplete

My command button inserts a new record into the page. When I integrate oncomplete="formReset()", the page reloads and I can see the new record on the page. function formReset(){window.location.href='/...
Andrea Voggenreiter's user avatar
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Call a method on completion of save action on button click?

I am trying to call a method on completion of action on buttonclick Button Code: <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" id="saveButton" status="actStatusId" title="{!$Label.ahm__Save}...
Lalitha sfdc's user avatar
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apex:repeat var not getting recognized inside button

I have this button inside an apex repeat that it's iterating over a list from my extension controller: <apex:page standardController="Visit_Report__c" extensions="AddTopicsController" showHeader="...
user37586's user avatar
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JQuery Datatable renders nested Datatable on Visualforce rerender

I've just recently started incorporating jQuery into my Visualforce pages in form of the Datatable plugin. It's worked very well so far, but I'm running into a problem when I need to rerender the ...
Jason Kelley's user avatar
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Apex PageMessages are not displayed when using OnComplete JS for CommandButton

I have VF page shown in the service console. When Apex command button is clicked it is invoking controller action method. OnComplete on the command button executes the JS function which refreshes the ...
apn's user avatar
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oncomplete function is not working [duplicate]

I am refreshing the primary tab after clicking on the update button.i am using the oncomplete function. on the command button oncomplete action is not working. i have tried in the following way: &...
Dileep's user avatar
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Use onComplete and page redirection of action function

I have a simple question. Can I use action function to redirect to a new page using controller code and also at the same time use onComplete of the action function so that onComplete gets called ...
SEuser's user avatar
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