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How to get records from sendable audience who did not make it to _SENT log without hardcoding the jobid

I have a DE extension where I have saved 1 record by querying: DE NAME: DataView_Job_DE Select top 1 JobID ,EmailName ,CreatedDate ,JobType ,JobStatus ,Row_Number() OVER (Partition by jobid ORDER BY ...
kl2's user avatar
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Problem with automation and Sql Query

I have a problem with an automation: the query inside has no error and runs correctly, but no record is extracted. If I try to run it externally (via run once and query studio) the records are ...
Giulia Orru IT's user avatar
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how to use SSJS to extract all distinct values (may require looping) and push it to sql query in marketing cloud?

I am new to SSJS and have not used it yet. I have a use case where I need to extract JobID and Data Extention Name from SendLog Data Extension. I use JobID and DE_Name in SQL query but right now I ...
kl2's user avatar
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SQL query to update field only if it is empty

I need to run a query which updates a target DE with some rows from another. There is a field called 'origin' which shows on the target data extension where the data came from. I appreciate this may ...
TCassa's user avatar
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Pulling new Unsubscribes into an existing DE - results in duplicate key error

Trying to create an automation that finds all new unsubscribes and adds them to a data extension. Writing the Query to pull all the records via an Overwrite works great, but we need to ensure we are ...
George Rosedale's user avatar
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Query for Engagement Campaign

I'm trying to confirm that the query I have written is correct. I'm trying to pull back people from the 3 lists in the query that have not opened an email within the last 6 months to start a re-...
J. Donders's user avatar
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Automation for birthday adding contacts the day after instead the exact day

we're experiencing some issues with a birthday automation query. Our query runs everyday and should filter contacts from 2 DE (contacts that are celebrating their birthday on that day) and put it in a ...
lisim's user avatar
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