I want to edit css of a SINGLE page of a community experience. I want to apply these two rules:


Only for this page:

enter image description here

If i apply these rules on community css editor, they are applied on ALL pages: enter image description here

I tried this but it doesn't work:

.Transaction-Journal-List .forceCommunityObjectHome .forceActionRow.uiInfiniteListRow .body

Can anyone tell me how to edit the css ONLY of a page? Thank you


1 Answer 1


The answer to your question is posted here

Each page has its own class within the body tag. Look for it and add it to the selector. enter image description here

Given the name of your page, the selector should look like this, I believe:

.comm-page-custom-transaction-journal-list .forceCommunityObjectHome .forceActionRow.uiInfiniteListRow .body {

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