Given this example trigger on the SBQQ__Quote__c object, I can log data whenever the quote is created/updated/deleted/undeleted.
trigger QuoteTrigger on SBQQ__Quote__c (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
// etc...
I want this trigger to run when objects related to the quote update. Some example scenarios that aren't working:
- "Submit an Approval" which kicks off a ProcessInstance for this Quote doesn't result in this Quote trigger being updated. This is even more of an issue because adding a trigger for ProcessInstance is disallowed.
- "Add Task" to the quote doesn't hit this trigger, despite it being related to the quote.
- ProcessInstanceStep, aka a user adding their approval to the quote doesn't result in the quote being updated.
Is there a sane solution for getting trigger events for the quote without having to write a trigger for every object related to the quote? Hoping there's some other kind of event(s) that I might be able to add to this single quote trigger.
I feel like I'm going to have to fallback to polling all of these tables on a regular basis.
Also the pubsub system is not a viable option because it seems like I would have to emit custom events and keep an active connection to the salesforce instance.