What is the MAX character length of the SubscriberKey field in SFMC All Subscribers.
I know this might sound crazy... But I am posting this question, as I could NOT find the answer to this! Official doc = https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.mc_es_subscriber_key.htm&type=5
Just FYI, I am doing a POC, where I need to create a Unique-key by joining 2 fields [both email addresses]
- I did checked tried and successfully created Subscriber with 512 character Subscriber Key [just used this to generate key for testing https://codebeautify.org/random-alphanumeric-generator]
If any one know the answer/link to official answer please post here, so anyone searching will be able to find easily. Additionally any PRO/Cons of using lengthy subscriberKeys