I'm trying to create an SSJS script that can store the values in the marketing cloud's database using the Script.Util.HttpRequest method. When I try to print the HTTP response content, I get a null value and status code of 400. I also tested the same thing in the postman application, and everything works fine. I'm not sure if anything is missing, but here is my code:
<script runat="server">
Platform.Load("Core", "1.1.5");
try {
var accessToken = "";
var authEndpoint = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx";
var client_id = "xxxxxxxxx";
var client_secret = "xxxxxxxx";
var account_id = "xxxxxxx";
var grant_type = "client_credentials";
var url =
"https://" + authEndpoint + ".auth.marketingcloudapis.com/v2/token";
var contentType = "application/json";
var payload = '{"grant_type":"' + grant_type + '",';
payload += '"client_id":"' + client_id + '",';
payload += '"client_secret":"' + client_secret + '",';
payload += '"account_id":"' + account_id + '"}';
// create token
var accessTokenResult = HTTP.Post(url, contentType, payload);
var statusCode = accessTokenResult["StatusCode"];
var response = accessTokenResult["Response"][0];
var resultCode = accessTokenResult.StatusCode;
accessToken = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(response).access_token;
// Debug info below
Write("Status Code: " + resultCode + "<br><br>");
if (resultCode === 200) {
// Another API call here or something else
var restURL = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(response).rest_instance_url;
var customer_name = "John Doe";
var company_name = "ABC";
var EmailAddress = "[email protected]";
var Product_Name1 = "Adidas Golf Shirt";
var Product_Quantity1 = 35;
var Customization1 = "Embroidery";
var Product_Name2 = "Under Armour Cap";
var Product_Quantity2 = 42;
var Customization2 = "Logo";
var restPayload = '{"To": {';
restPayload += '"Address": "' + EmailAddress + '",';
restPayload += '"SubscriberKey": "' + EmailAddress + '",';
restPayload += '"ContactAttributes": {';
restPayload += '"SubscriberAttributes": {';
restPayload += '"SubscriberKey": "' + EmailAddress + '",';
restPayload += '"EmailAddress": "' + EmailAddress + '",';
restPayload += '"Customer Name": "' + customer_name + '",';
restPayload += '"Company Name": "' + company_name + '",';
restPayload += '"Product_Name1": "' + Product_Name1 + '",';
restPayload += '"Product_Quantity1": ' + Product_Quantity1 + ",";
restPayload += '"Customization1": "' + Customization1 + '",';
restPayload += '"Product_Name2": "' + Product_Name2 + '",';
restPayload += '"Product_Quantity2": ' + Product_Quantity2 + ",";
restPayload += '"Customization2": "' + Customization2 + '",';
restPayload += "}}}}";
var payloadStr = Stringify(restPayload); // Creating a API readable JSON payload
var apiRoute, bearerToken;
apiRoute =
restURL + "messaging/v1/messageDefinitionSends/key:xxxxxx/send";
bearerToken = "Bearer " + accessToken;
var headerName = "Authorization";
var headerValue = bearerToken;
var req = new Script.Util.HttpRequest(apiRoute);
req.emptyContentHandling = 0;
req.retries = 2;
req.continueOnError = true;
req.contentType = "application/json";
req.method = "POST";
req.setHeader(headerName, headerValue);
req.postData = payloadStr;
var resp = req.send();
//Parsing the Response
var resultJSON = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(String(resp.content));
var headers = resp.header;
var contentTypes = resp.contentType;
var statuss = resp.returnStatus;
Write("<br><br>resultJSON: " + Stringify(resultJSON));
Write("<br><br>headers: " + Stringify(headers));
Write("<br><br>contentTypes: " + Stringify(contentTypes));
Write("<br><br>statuss: " + Stringify(statuss));
var resReturn = Platform.Response.Write(
var statusCode = resp.statusCode;
if (statusCode == 200 || statusCode == 201) {
status = "success";
Write("<br><br>Result Status: " + Stringify(statusCode));
Write("<br><br>Result Content: " + resReturn);
} else {
status = "Error code: " + statusCode;
Write("<br><br>Result Status: " + Stringify(statusCode));
Write("<br><br>Result Content: " + resReturn);
} else {
// block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false
Write("Result Code is not 200. Please check the code again <br><br>");
} catch (e) {
Write("<br><br> Error: " + Stringify(e));
Write("<br><br> Error name: " + Stringify(e.name));
Write("<br><br> Error message: " + Stringify(e.message));
Here is the output of the above code:
resultJSON: {"documentation":"https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/error-handling.htm","errorcode":0,"message":"Bad Request"}
headers: "header"
contentTypes: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
statuss: 0"{\"documentation\":\"https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/error-handling.htm\",\"errorcode\":0,\"message\":\"Bad Request\"}"
Result Status: 400
Result Content: null
var which is set for some reason using a write -var resReturn = Platform.Response.Write( Platform.Function.Stringify(resp.content));
which is going to return null. So that will answer your null content part. If you are saying you get 200 in POSTman but 400 in SSJS, then will need to see what you are putting in POSTman and compare to what your script has.