I have a LWC component with a lightning-tree for role hierarchy. I need to implement a drag and drop function for the items to reorder them and save the new hierarchy.

This is the tree:

<lightning-tree items={items} onselect={handleSelectAssign}></lightning-tree>

How it looks:

enter image description here

Is it possible to drag and drop the items?

Best regards, Renato

1 Answer 1


This won't be possible with Salesforce's lightning-data-tree. We can't "see" the internal structure of components, either our own or those in another namespace. The shadow root for each component acts as a membrane that restricts access to the internal structure. The best you can do here is to have the user select a node, click a button, then select the other node.

Fortunately, you can swap out your current code and use the tree and treeItem components found in the base-components-recipes library or by grabbing the source code from the lightning-base-components npm module. This will mean, however, that you'll have to maintain your own separate copy of the tree and treeItem components.

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