I'm trying to write a small automation bridging Salesforce CPQ and a third-party vendor.

The workflow I would like to address is to (i) generate a CPQ Quote document and (ii) save the generated PDF locally to then send this file somewhere else.

To automate this I need to access the generated PDF quote document using Salesforce REST API but I couldn't find a way to access the data blob like I was used to do with normal Salesforce files (i.e. ContentDocument and ContentVersion).

The only way I can get these documents is to click the 'view' button and download manually the file locally and I need to automate this step.

Does anyone know a way to access these CPQ documents using Salesforce API ?


1 Answer 1


I'm not sure this will work for you exactly, but there is a field on the quote document object that stores the id of the PDF document. Once the async job is complete, you can query the new quote document (SBQQ__QuoteDocument__c) for the SBQQ__ViewRecordId__c field. This will return the ID of the attachment or document id. You can then retrieve it from the appropriate object using another API call.

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