We want to insert Contact Key using Journey Builder Update contact activity in a new DE ( Not Entry Source DE) Is it possible to insert contact key using update contact activity?
1 Answer
Yes, by default the values put into the data extension are hard-coded and you need a workaround to get dynamic values that are different for each customer.
You can find the easiest way of achieving this here in the answer of @jogsottot (basically pretend you want to configure a SF object and just copy the string containing Journey Data into the Update Contact activity)
I tried this approch , however its not working , Journey doesnot insert the ContactKey.Any other setting is required? Commented Dec 17, 2020 at 10:12
@SushantEdlabadkar what is being inserted when you run the journey? Is it empty or is the string you pasted in, inserted into the DE? Commented Dec 17, 2020 at 11:16
DE remains Empty., Also Contact doesnot move to subsequnet step some error seems to be coming internally. Commented Dec 17, 2020 at 11:57