Trying to build out a piece of dynamic content where a different bit of copy will display depending on a users loyalty points.
With one variable the following works:
%%[Var @Loyalty Set @Loyalty = [Loyalty]]%%
%%[IF Empty(@Loyalty) OR @Loyalty == "1"
THEN set @defaultValue = "1"
ELSE set @defaultValue = "other"
But when it comes to introducing ELSE or ELSEIF functions to query different numbers of loyalty points things start breaking.
%%[Var @Loyalty Set @Loyalty = [Loyalty]]%%
%%[IF Empty(@Loyalty) OR @Loyalty == "1"
THEN set @defaultValue = "1"
ELSEIF @Loyalty Set == "2"
THEN set @defaultValue = "2"
ELSE set @defaultValue = "other"
Any help would be massively appreciated.