I'm trying to connect our Marketing Cloud account with our Google Analytics account so that we can pass Marketing Cloud activity through to Google. I've looked all over for help articles and set up guides but only get sent to GA 360 articles.
I want to be able to set up something similar to below but all I'm directed to is Parameter Manager. Are there prerequisite steps I need to configure before setting the parameters? Do I not need need to share the Collect Code with GA or perform a system-level handshake?
?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=[Channel]&utm_campaign=[Set per Message]&utm_term=[Link Alias]&utm_content=[Content AssetID]&utm_id=[JourneyID]&sfmc_id=[ContactID]&sfmc_activityid=[ActivityID]
It would be great if someone could add clarity as I'm struggling to find the answer I need.