I have exposed an apex class as a rest service. I want my community users to be able to use the rest service to insert records in the system. I have set up a connected app to enable access using Oauth.
I followed the steps mentioned here. The guide mentions the request format to be of the form
My resultant url was of form :
This resulted in error=unsupported_response_type&error_description=response%20type%20not%20supported
I then tried using the AxiomSSO heroku app. This generated a URL of the form :
On requesting authorization code, it opens up a page titled 'Login Template' which then changes to 'Login but is blank. I was expecting my community's login page but the page is entirely blank. I would deeply appreciate any help regarding this.
Additional Info if it matters :
At profile level, I've given the System Permission - 'Api Enabled', Apex class has been appropriately enabled along with the connected app.
The custom app has 'Require Secret for Web Server Flow' checked
I am able to use the web service using users with standard salesforce license.