I'm trying to add a Google Analytics tracking ID to a new Lightning community. When I try to add the ID to the community builder config, I find that the field is disabled. The communities I've tried this with are developer and partial editions, and have been published at least once. Any suggestions?

enter image description here

  • Can you confirm that you have completed this step. Experience Builder, go to Settings| Security. Under Content Security Policy, choose Allow Inline Scripts and Script Access to Whitelisted Third-party Hosts.
    – manjit5190
    Commented Mar 5, 2020 at 15:47
  • Ugh I'm an idiot... that was it. Don't know how I missed that in the documentation. If you want to create an answer I'll accept it. Commented Mar 5, 2020 at 16:20

1 Answer 1


Please make sure that you have completed this step.

Goto Experience Builder, go to Settings| Security. Under Content Security Policy, choose Allow Inline Scripts and Script Access to Whitelisted Third-party Hosts.

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