I am trying to install a package to a scratch org like so:
$ sfdx force:package:install --wait 10 --publishwait 10 --package [email protected] --installationkey XXXX --noprompt -u XXXX
However, the installation fails with this error:
ERROR: Encountered errors installing the package!,Installation errors:
1) (Contact-EP Layout) In field: QuickAction - no QuickAction named NewTask found, Details: Contact-EP Layout: In field: QuickAction - no QuickAction named NewTask found
On searching around, I found people who had errors with NewEvent or NewEmail and the solution was to turn on the email feature or events feature etc.
In my case I believe tasks is a feature that's always available and cannot be "disabled" as such and is enabled by default.
This is further confirmed by editing the default contact layout and pulling it to see an action called NewTask under <quickActionList>
What do I need to do to solve this error? As a temporary solution I commented out the entire quickActionList, but I would like to solve this properly.
Additional info:
I used this command to create the scratch org:
$ sfdx force:org:create --definitionfile config/project-scratch-def.json --durationdays 1 --setalias XXXX --nonamespace
The only difference between this and all the other scratch orgs I've tested on is the --nonamespace