Looking for a solution to add a user's opportunities on their personal profile/overview page -

Currently you can follow this flow to navigate to your personal profile page: Click your name > My Profile > Click "Overview" > You can then view the "About Me" section, Chatter Files Owned, and Chatter Group Membership of the user.

With this same UI could we add a visualforce section that includes that user's "Open Opportunites"? We are just looking to find this information at a glance on the user's profile page rather than navigating to create a report or review an opportunity list view.

Any experience with a custom solution for this use-case?

3 Answers 3


You can use the profile subtabs feature to add a VisualForce tab for "Open Opportunities" that shows up beside "Overview" on your user profile page. See here for more info:



I don't believe that there's a way you can add VF pages to that particular page. One option, which admittedly isn't great, would be to create a VF page that wraps that particular page in an iframe and then displays the opportunities underneath the frame. You could create a VF tab for that page to make it easily accessible.

  • Thanks for the comment Matt. So basically on the VF page I just need to call out logic to pull a specific user on the UI. We need the ability for a user to review their own opps on this type of page and/or the ability to review another rep's open opps by going to their "profile page" (or mimics it with a VF page).
    – Girod
    Commented Jan 28, 2014 at 4:59
  • Do you know about profile subtabs? carvingintheclouds.blogspot.com/2014/01/…
    – alouie
    Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 21:19
  • @alouie, I did not, and those look awesome! Write up an answer using those and Girod should be able to accept it instead.
    – Matt Lacey
    Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 23:42

We have a great solution in place now utilizing the sub-tabs.

The feedback was greatly appreciated all!

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