We have a custom VisualForce page that consolidates a lot of information into one place. One of the components that we have is a standard Chatter:feed. Everything works great, unless we try to post a Chatter Question. The Question will post, but Chatter does not load similar Questions for the user to view. We thought this might be an issue with everything else on the page, so we created a simple VF page with this code to test:
<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardStylesheets="true">
<div id="chatter-container">
<chatter:feed entityId="{!$User.Id}" />
Everything loads correctly, until I click on question and type in a question. That's when Chrome's Console blows up with:
To fix this, we've attempted to add the URLs from the errors in the CORS section of Salesforce along with Proxies and anything else I could find online. I'm to the point where I believe this is a Salesforce bug, but I could not find this issue listed. I'm guessing not many Orgs are using the Chatter Question in the standard Chatter:feed component and that is why this issue might not be listed. The other variable is we have a custom domain which might be causing some of this issue.
Does anyone have any other ideas that we could try to fix this?