I am trying to show basic validation error on each row of input text oncheck of checkbox.Initially it is displaying error correctly below the 1st field but if i check 2nd checkbox in table its displaying message under 1st cell.
<tbody id="co-storebody">
<tr style="display:none;">
<apex:repeat value="{!speCondscValues}" var="speConds" >
<apex:variable var="index" value="{!index +1}" />
<div><!--<apex:inputText styleClass="slds-input" style="" id="remarksVal"
<input type="text" class="slds-input" id="{!index}"/><br/>
<p id="error" style="color:red;"></p>
<!--<apex:inputHidden id="hdnRep2" value="{}"/> -->
//js function This will be called on change of checkbox
Function enableRemarks(checkBox,inputId,speCond){
var remarks = document.getElementById(inputId);//The id is dynamic
checkObj = checkBox;
inputValue = inputId;
if(remarks.value == ''){
document.getElementById('error').innerHTML = remarks.validationMessage;
} else {
always finds the first instance of that on the page, you need to search byinputId