Hi today while working found that visualforce charts were acting weird when there is a big text included in the display/hover field. The hover text was not properly displaying the value and the content.
Here is the code to replicate the same.
<apex:page >
// Build the chart data array in JavaScript
var dataArray = new Array();
dataArray.push({'name':'Category 1','Amount':66});
dataArray.push({'name':' Big Category','Amount':100});
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:chart width="450" height="400" data="dataArray">
<apex:axis type="Category" position="bottom" fields="name" title="Category"/>
<apex:axis type="Numeric" position="left" fields="Amount" title="Amount"/>
<apex:barSeries orientation="vertical" axis="bottom"
xField="name" yField="Amount"/>
And the screenshot of the issue :
Any Idea how to fix this one?