My whole community is developed with lightning components,I want to stay on the same page if the page refreshes, and also to easily go to different pages with the query string.
Ex. I have component A on home page (which contains data table) so on click of drop down menu of data table i am opening new component in new tab but in lightning community that component not getting open and error is coming saying "URL no longer exists". But this same URL is working fine if i wont use it through community. i am new to community please guide me.
var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
var url = 'https://test-developer-';
urlEvent.setParams({"url": url});;
Here '' is my community URL while 'c__avTest' is component i am opening with navigateToURL event.
and i am using '/c__avTest' as URL only in lightning component and it is redirecting me to avTest component As it was not working for community i have added '' in url to redirect to component but not working for me in community.