I have a data extension that holds ~200k records each record has a zip code associated with it.
On my cloud page, I would like to display all of the UNIQUE zips as selectable options.
I have a solution in SSJS that allows only up to 2500 due to limitations of rows.retrieve()
is there anyway to grab the rest of them?
my code if interested
<script runat="server">
var makeArrhold = DataExtension.Init("somedataextid");
var makearrr2 = makeArrhold.Rows.Retrieve();
var makeholder= [];
for (var j = 0; j < makearrr2.length; j++) {
var unqmakeholder = [];
var negcheck;
for(var b=0; makeholder.length > b; b++){
negcheck = -1;
for(var i=0; unqmakeholder.length > i; i++){
negcheck = unqmakeholder[i].indexOf(makeholder[b]);
if(negcheck != -1){
negcheck = testresult;
if(negcheck == -1){
for (var j = 0; j < unqmakeholder.length; j++) {
Write("<LI>" + unqmakeholder[j] + "</LI>");
this works to grab the unique values but will break once records reach over 2500'
any ideas?