I have a duplicate rule where I check for a Fuzzy Mobile or Phone, on the Lead Object.

I have stumbled with a use case where the Phone on Lead 1(for the sake of the example) is something like: +49 1234 56789, and the Phone on the Lead 2(the potential duplicate) is something like: 01234-56789.


1 - I tried to have on Lead 2 smth like: 0123456789 -> The duplicate checker doesn't recognise it as a duplicate.

2 - I tried to have on Lead 2 smth like: 049123456789 -> The duplicate checker doesn't recognise it as a duplicate.

3 - I tried to have on Lead 2 smth like: +49123456789 -> The duplicate checker DOES recognise it as a duplicate.

Is this the correct behaviour of the Duplicate Checker, or I am missing something on the capabilities that this standard feature has?

1 Answer 1


As per Salesforce docs

This process works best with North American data.

  • International code (exact, 10% of field’s match score)
  • Area code (exact, 50% of field’s match score)
  • Next 3 digits (exact, 30% of field’s match score
  • Last 4 digits (exact, 10% of field’s match score)

Minimum Threshold 80

So Area code must be same which looks different because of formatting thats why your first two didn't match.

Matching Methods Used in Matching Rules

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