I am building a Lightning application as this:

<aura:application description="AppDescription"

  <aura:attribute name="recordId"        type="String"   access="public" />

  <c:MyComponent recordId="{! v.recordId}" />

This is accessible from link https://myOrg.lightning.force.com/c/MyApp.app?recordId=ABCD

Our users will be using Field Service Lightning Mobile App and Salesforce1, the first application provides a link to the aura:application (MyApp).

Is it possible to open this application from Salesforce1 ? My first try is to access the app from my browser and then click on "open with Salesforce1" but it opens in the browser.

1 Answer 1


There are two methods to access this Lightning App (https://myOrg.lightning.force.com/c/MyApp.app?recordId=ABCD)

  1. Create a Connected App(Under Manage Apps>New Connected App) and specify the Lightning App URL as the Start URL and Mobile Start URL. You can then add the App to the App Launcher and to Salesforce1 Navigation Menu, u so that you can launch the app directly from there(Make the App available for desired profiles).

  2. Another method is to create a Web Tab and mention the Lightning App URL and make the Web Tab available in Salesforce1 navigation.

  • Hey @Hermant Jain, thanks for the answer. For the first solution, I am not getting which URL I need to put to fit Sandbox and Production URL. (myorg--pc and myorg).
    – Simonp
    Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 11:11
  • I feel you will have to configure the URL separately for Production and Sandbox. The URL that is generated when you preview the app from developer console Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 11:22
  • Maybe I am doing something wrong but it does not work.
    – Simonp
    Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 11:40
  • What is the exact problem that you are facing? Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 14:38
  • The URL still does not open sf1 at good page, better case: black page after app loading
    – Simonp
    Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 16:01

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