<apex:page standardController="Lead">
<apex:commandButton value="Send Gift">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" rerender="set" status="status"/>
<apex:iframe src="https://devapp.alyce.com/remote/v1/gift-create?rt=AYCHDDYS&ru=https://c.ap4.visual.force.com/apex/CreateGiftPage&gcfn={!$CurrentPage.parameters.gcfn}&gcln={!$CurrentPage.parameters.gcln}&gce={!$CurrentPage.parameters.gce}" id="set" width="1000" height="2000"/>
i have used this vf as inline vf where i want the iframe to show on button click. Instead of doing this iFrame has not affecting by onclick action, it is reloading however.
into anoutputPanel
?visible=true onClick
of thecommandButton
. Also, I suggest you wrap it in aDiv
so that it's in a different part of the DOM on your page.