I have a Visual force page which has no dependency of apex class.
I had a formula field called user object label as Business and Api name as Business__c.I need to add condition based on log in user
If login user has two different business sales and Marketing.
My Previous code:
<apex:page sidebar="false">
<apex:iframe src="Link1"
height="1110px" width="1900px" scrolling="true"/>
My new code wants to be:
<apex:page sidebar="false">
if(loginuser.Business__c == "sales")
<apex:iframe src="Link1"
height="1110px" width="1900px" scrolling="true"/>
if(loginuser.Business__c == "Marketing")
<apex:iframe src="Link2"
height="1110px" width="1900px" scrolling="true"/>
could you please anyone help me how to add condition in vf page without dependency of apex class