I'm trying to display some text if a particular value is chosen on a picklist. I thought that I could do this by using reRender however I am wondering if I also need a method in my controller? I've been researching, but have not identified why the message is not rendering. Below is the section of the page:
<apex:pageBlockSection id="FlagType">
<apex:inputField id="redflagtype" value="{!Loan_Memo__c.RedFlagType__c}" required="true">
<apex:actionsupport event="onchange" rerender="Reminder" />
<apex:outputpanel id="Reminder" >
<apex:outputText value="You have selected Direct Pay, Please attach a copy of the check." rendered="{!Loan_Memo__c.RedFlagType__c == 'Direct Pay'}" />
may not be firing.