I have an input field:
<apex:inputField id="tabIndex5" value="{!My_Object__c.Some_Field__c}">
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!DoNothing}" rerender="info,subinfo,subinfo2,emailinfo,advancedSettings" />
I then add a pageBlockSection
<apex:pageBlockSection id="advancedSettings" title="{!$Label.advanced_settings}" columns="1" rendered="{!AND(Not(IsBlank(My_Object__c.Some_Field__c)))}">
<apex:inputField value="{!My_Object__c.Checkbox_Field__c}" />
This correctly renders on page rerender or page load. But if the field is populated and it renders initially, then I clear the field, nothing happens. That pageBlockSection does not go away like it should with its rerender because Some_Field__c
is now empty. Or if it is empty and then gets populated, the pageBlockSection never shows up. How can I get this onchange to actually rerender the pageBlockSection correctly?