I have a Checkbox which dynamically rerenders a field (field is not shown if checkbox is false). Here is the code:
<apex:inputField id="IsPaidPd" value="{!Consultant_Request__c.Is_Paid_PD__c}" required="false">
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="PurchaseOrderNumber_Wrapper" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputPanel id="PurchaseOrderNumber_Wrapper">
<apex:outputLabel value="Purchase Order Number" for="PurchaseOrderNumber" rendered="{!Consultant_Request__c.Is_Paid_PD__c}"/>
<apex:inputField id="PurchaseOrderNumber" value="{!Consultant_Request__c.Purchase_Order_Number__c}" required="false" rendered="{!Consultant_Request__c.Is_Paid_PD__c}"/>
Which is mostly working fine. However, if any 'required' fields are not filled out when I try to check/uncheck the checkbox 'IsPaidPd', the rerender action is never fired and the subsequent fields are not updated. This is not very intuitive and a user might think something is broken before realizing all those fields must be filled out until this functionality will work correctly. As you can see, I am doing targeted rerendering which hasn't solved anything.