I want to compare today date and check is it fall into which fiscal month?How to retrieve what is start date and end date of the fiscal month?
When I am google I only found fiscal year and fiscal quarter.Please let me know if this possible or not.
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So I use Period object to query but here some confusing data return.
Select StartDate, EndDate From Period Where type = 'Month' and StartDate = THIS_MONTH
It returns it return StartDate=2016-11-26 , EndDate =2016-12-31 , which is our next month(December).
2) Using NEXT_MONTH Result no data return.
3) Using LAST_MONTH it return two rows data which are current fiscal month and previous fiscal month(October and November).
I confuse, logically it should return November for THIS_MONTH, December for NEXT_MONTH and October for LAST_MONTH,