Users (and super users) of the Self Service Portal can submit and view attachments but can't delete.

How do I Add a delete attachment or remove attachment button to the "attachments list in the "view cases" page.

1 Answer 1


Yes, it seems at first, but I couldn't quite test your scenario as Self-Service is no longer available :-(

  • Is the Case Contact correctly assigned to the associated contact/user record pair?
  • What's the Profile of your Self Service user?
  • Can you show us your High-Volume Portal User Sharing Settings?

delete attachment

  • Hi it seems that we do not have the same salesforce version or license I can't change the user Profile of the Self Service user. I guess we are using the default I do not have High-Volume Portal User Sharing Settings. All I have a SELF SERVICE PORTAL settings. Do you know if this is available for the Enterprise Edition?
    – adaron
    Commented Apr 2, 2013 at 17:46
  • 1
    I think Self-Service Portal does not appear at all in new orgs. Enterprise orgs will get Customer Portal and the High-Volume Portal User profiles. Commented Apr 3, 2013 at 8:36

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