How can i get the date on the date/time record type. So that i can condition this if Start_Date_Time__c = End_Date_Time__c
. If true the output is like this:
Friday, 26 June 2015 from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM (Greenwich Mean Time)
If false the output may like this:
From Monday, 29 June 2015 , 3:13 PM to Tuesday, 30 June 2015 , 3:13 PM (Greenwich Mean Time)
here is my vf code:
< apex:outputText value="{!IF(Event__c.Start_Date_Time__c = Event__c.End_Date_Time__c, "{0,date, EEEEE',' d MMMM yyyy ',' h:mm a} to {1,date, h:mm a '('zzzzz')'}", "From {0,date, EEEEE',' d MMMM yyyy ',' h:mm a} to {1,date, EEEEE',' d MMMM yyyy ',' h:mm a '('zzzzz')'}")}"/><br/>
<apex:param value="{!Event__c.Start_Date_Time__c+(8/24)}" />
<apex:param value="{!Event__c.End_Date_Time__c+(8/24)}" />
The condition still wrong because of the time was included. I just want to condition it with the date only. Is this possible. Hope you get me.Thank you in advance.