if((op.createddate > 01/01/2015)||(op.createddate < 31/03/2015))
InProjectedQ1Count = InProjectedQ1Count + 1;
if((op.createddate > 01/04/2015)||(op.createddate < 30/06/2015))
InProjectedQ2Count = InProjectedQ2Count + 1;
if((op.createddate > 01/07/2015)||(op.createddate < 30/09/2015))
InProjectedQ3Count = InProjectedQ3Count + 1;
if((op.createddate > 01/10/2015)||(op.createddate < 31/12/2015))
InProjectedQ4Count = InProjectedQ4Count + 1;
You could alternatively just get the month– GirbotCommented Jun 1, 2015 at 6:16
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2 Answers
You can do other way round using just month & not the specific dates,
Set<Integer> Q1 = new Set<Integer>{1,2,3};
Set<Integer> Q2 = new Set<Integer>{4,5,6};
Set<Integer> Q3 = new Set<Integer>{7,8,9};
Set<Integer> Q4 = new Set<Integer>{10,11,12};
Integer cMonth = op.createddate.month();
InProjectedQ1Count = InProjectedQ1Count + 1;}
InProjectedQ2Count = InProjectedQ2Count + 1;}
InProjectedQ3Count = InProjectedQ3Count + 1;}
InProjectedQ4Count = InProjectedQ4Count + 1;}
You are probably looking for the Period object. Please have a look at the following post, I think it might help you : duplicate post
Select p.Type, p.SystemModstamp, p.StartDate, p.QuarterLabel, p.PeriodLabel, p.Number, p.IsForecastPeriod, p.Id, p.FiscalYearSettingsId, p.EndDate From Period p where p.Type = 'Quarter'