I'm getting a bizarre error attempting to retrieve my campaigns from the ET Marketing Cloud using the fuel sdk in ruby.

Following the default example used for List retrieval, it's working correctly:

client = FuelSDK::Client.new({'client'=> { 'id' => EXACTTARGET_CLIENT_ID, 'secret' => EXACTTARGET_CLIENT_SECRET }})

    list = FuelSDK::List.new
    list.client = client
    response = list.get

gives me a response like so:

[{:client=>{:id=>"XXXXXXX"}, :partner_key=>nil, :created_date=>Mon, 12 Jan 2015 17:01:13 +0000, :modified_date=>Mon, 12 Jan 2015 17:01:13 +0000, :id=>"4402", :object_id=>"bea2b746-7a03-4a50-9c94-ff89f387d443", :customer_key=>"All Subscribers - 52047", :list_name=>"All Subscribers", :category=>"52047", :type=>"Private", :description=>"Contains all subscribers", :list_classification=>"ExactTargetList", :"@xsi:type"=>"List"}]

However, if I try to use the given example for Campaigns:

campaign = FuelSDK::Campaign.new 
campaign.authStub = client #(NB: authStub or client? same error either way)
response = campaign.get

I'm immediately greeted with the following:

undefined method 'keys' for [{"id"=>""}]:Array

I'm pulling my hair out over this one, can anyone help me understand why this is happening for campaigns (and only campaigns?!)


  • 1
    Taking a look at this tonight - I'll see what I can uncover. Welcome to SFSE! Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 21:13

1 Answer 1


You will need to build out the gem using the following command:

gem build fuelsdk.gemspec

Then install

gem install fuelsdk-0.0.5.gem

This should provide an up-to-date version with campaign support.

  • 1
    Pulling the .9 Refactor seems to be working correctly for campaigns. I'm going to cross-reference this with master, do some playing around, and then submit a pull request later. Thanks for your help!
    – Mike P.
    Commented Jan 30, 2015 at 23:07
  • Glad I could get you past it Commented Jan 30, 2015 at 23:10

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