I have a Workflow on Leads, which is a formula (also tried as a Filter), the content:
Days_from_Creation__c = 1 && HasOptedOutOfEmail = False && My_Drip__c = null
This is from the debug log:
16:44:56.389 (3389165000)|WF_FORMULA|Formula:Days_from_Creation__c = 1 && HasOptedOutOfEmail = False && My_Drip__c = null|Values:Days_from_Creation__c=1, My_Drip__c=null, HasOptedOutOfEmail=0
16:44:56.389 (3389174000)|WF_CRITERIA_END|false
As you can see Criteria evaluates to False. I don't understand why.
The only thing that is strange is that while HasOptedOutOfEmail
is a standard field in Lead and is of type Checkbox (thus Boolean) it prints out that the value is 0 instead of False (in the log).
Any ideas?