I wonder, how can I pass input variable to getValuesForRepeat in apex:repeat please. I.e, my apex:repeat renders different contents depends on inputVar1. Basically,

  1. <apex:repeat value="{!valuesToBind}" var="valueToBind"> binds to getValuesToBind() in the controller.
  2. getValuesToBind() retrieve inputVar1 value from the controller constructor with inputVar1. ----> This value was not updated.

======> How can I get something like getValuesToBind(inputVar1) or bind from visual force component please? <apex:repeat value="{!valuesToBind}" var="valueToBind" inputParam="someVariable">

In my controller

public class controllerClass {

    public String inputVar1;
    List<Object1> valuesForRepeat;  

    public controllerClass() {
    public controllerClass(String inputVar1) {

    public void setInputVar1(String inputVar1) {
        this.inputVar1 = inputVar1;
    public String getInputVar1() {
        return this.inputVar1;

    public List<Object1> getValuesToBind(){

        Object2 obj = [SELECT blabla FROM Object2 where field =:***this.inputVar1*** Limit 1]; //HERE!!!!!!
        valuesForRepeat = [SELECT field1, field2, blabla FROM Object1 where Id in :Object1Ids];
        return valuesForRepeat;

In visual force component

<apex:component controller="controllerClass" access="global">
    <apex:attribute name="templateBoundField" type="String" description="blabla" assignTo="{!inputVar1}" />
    <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!!valuesToBind.empty}">
        <apex:repeat value="{!valuesToBind}" var="valueToBind">
            <table >
                <table >
                    <tr><td ">{!valueToBind.field1}</span></td></tr>
    <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!valuesToBind.empty}">
        <p >
            No New ValuesToBind to Report.

1 Answer 1


You've made this too complicated

Component controller

public class controllerClass {

    public String inputVar1 {get; set;}

    public controllerClass() {}

    public List<Object1> getValuesToBind(){

        Object2 obj = [SELECT ... FROM Object2 where field =:this.inputVar1 Limit 1]; 
        return obj != null 
             ? [SELECT field1, ... 
                   FROM Object1 WHERE Id in :obj.Id]
             : new List<Object1>();

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