In constructor, for string, we assign value to variable this way ' '
for decimal/double, how to assign value to variable in constructor?
I tried 0, but, in database, 0 is stored rather than user input in VF page. If I dont declare price/quantity, the child record is not created. wrapper class is used to create child record & price/quantity are the fields of child record. Say, user enter 2 as price, 4 as quantity, then 2,4 should be stored in database,, but 0,0 (constructor value is stored in the database.)
custom controller
public class JournalMC_class{
SObject record;
public Journal__c objJour {get;set;}
public String objCompany {get;set;}
public General_Ledge_Account__c objGLA {get;set;}
// public Item__c objItem {get; set;}
// public Line_Item__c objLine {get; set;}// public Product_Inv__c objProduct {get; set;} public Attachment attachment {get; set;} public boolean pb1Rendered{get;set;} //
public boolean pb2Rendered{get;set;} //
public boolean pb3Rendered{get;set;} // true -> show pb3
public String selectedRT{get;set;} // selected value of selectList
public double unitPrice{get; set;}
public double quantity{get; set;}// public double unitPrice2{get; set;}// public double quantity2{get; set;} // public double outputField{get; set;}
public integer selectedId{get;set;} // wrapperClass id selected line item to delete row.
public double Total_value{get; set;} public List<Product_Inv__c> pricePerUnit {get; set;}
public List<wrapperClass> listWrapper {get; set;}
public class wrapperClass{
public decimal price {get; set;}
public decimal quantity1 {get; set;}
public String product {get; set;}
public Line_Item__c objLine {get; set; }
// public Product_Inv__c objProduct {get; set; }
public Double outputFieldWrapper {get; set;}
public Integer index{get;set;} // for index line item for delete item
public wrapperClass(){
// price = decimal.valueOf(' ');
// quantity1 = decimal.valueOf(' ');
product = '';
objLine = new Line_Item__c();
// List<General_ledge_Account__c> GLA_filtered_Category = [SELECT id, name FROM General_ledge_Account__c WHERE Operational_Category__c = true];
private final Journal__c journal;
// Constructor
public JournalMC_class() { //ApexPages.StandardController controller
List<Journal__c> journal = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Journal__c]; // WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')
if (journal.size() > 0)
Journal__c j = journal.get(0);
pricePerUnit = [Select Price_Unit__c from Product_Inv__c ];
attachment = new Attachment();
pb1Rendered = true;
pb2Rendered = false;
pb3Rendered = false;
selectedRT = '';
listWrapper = new List<wrapperClass>();
wrapperClass wc=new wrapperClass();
wc.index=0; // index 0 for first element
//listWrapper.add(new wrapperClass());
// listWrapper = new List<wrapperClass>();
// listWrapper.add(new wrapperClass());
objJour = new Journal__c();
objGLA = new General_Ledge_Account__c();
Date myDate =; // Define a variable to store today's date
objJour.Journal_Date__c = myDate; // Assign default value for inputField
// unitPrice = 0;
// record = controller.getRecord(); // not sure about this line
selectedId=listWrapper.size()-1; // for deleting last line item
// Function for uploading files from VF page
/* public void upload(Id ParentId) {Journal__c objJour = new Journal__c(); Attachment objA = new Attachment();objA.OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();objA.ParentId = ParentId; // the record the file is attached to objA.IsPrivate = true; = attachment.Name; objA.Body = attachment.Body; if(objA.Body != null){ insert objA; ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Attachment uploaded successfully'));}}*/ public void upload(Id ParentId) {
Attachment objA = new Attachment();
objA.OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
objA.ParentId = ParentId; // the record the file is attached to
objA.IsPrivate = true; = attachment.Name;
objA.Body = attachment.Body;
if(objA.Body != null){
objA.Description = attachment.Description;
insert objA;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Attachment uploaded successfully'));
public String selectedValue{ get; set;
// Picklist
public void onChangeSelectRadio(){
pb1Rendered = true;
pb2Rendered = false;
pb3Rendered = false;
objJour.Type__c = 'INCOME';
else if(selectedRT=='EXPENSE'){
pb1Rendered = false;
pb2Rendered = true;
pb3Rendered = false;
objJour.Type__c = 'EXPENSE';
else if(selectedRT=='TRANSFER'){
pb1Rendered = false;
pb2Rendered = false;
pb3Rendered = true;
objJour.Type__c = 'TRANSFER';
public PageReference save_custom(){
List<Line_Item__c> objLine = new List<Line_Item__c>();;
// objJour.General_Ledger_Account__c =;
// objJour.GLA_cash_source__c =;
if(objJour.Type__c == null )
ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Journal type is required.');
return null;
if(objJour.Journal_Date__c == null )
ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Journal Date is required.');
return null;
if(objCompany != null && objCompany !='')
objJour.Company__c = objCompany;
insert objJour;
for(wrapperClass L:listWrapper){
Boolean doCreate = false;
Line_Item__c obj = L.objLine;
obj.Journal__c =;
if(L.quantity1 != null ){ // && L.quantity1.trim() != ''
obj.quantity__c = L.quantity1 ;
doCreate = true;
if(L.price != null){ // && L.price.trim() != ''
obj.Price_Per_Unit__c = L.price;
doCreate = true;
if(L.product != null && L.product.trim() != ''){
obj.Product_Inv__c = L.product ;
doCreate = true;
if(objLine.size() > 0){
Insert objLine;
// objJour.Total_Value__c = Total_Value;
// update objJour;
upload(objJour.Id); // edited
PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' +objJour.Id); // redirect the page into detail page
return pr;
public PageReference cancel_custom(){
PageReference pr = new PageReference('/apex/Journal_Money_Control');
return pr;
// Add Child object record e.g. Line Item
public void addLineItem(){
wrapperClass objW = new wrapperClass();
selectedId=listWrapper.size()-1; // for deleting last line item
// Delete Child object record
public void deleteLineItem(){
//system.debug('enter into deleteLineItem-->selectedId-->'+selectedId + '--listWrapper.size()---'+listWrapper.size());
listWrapper.remove(selectedId ); // delete button as dynamic
for(integer i=0;i<listWrapper.size();i++)
selectedId=listWrapper.size()-1; // for deleting last line item
public void recalculateFormulas() {
public void calculateRoomCharge()
unitPrice = 0;
quantity = 0;
Total_Value =0;
for(wrapperClass obj : listWrapper)
SObject record = (Line_Item__c)obj.objLine;
if(obj.objLine.Price_Per_Unit__c != null && obj.objLine.Quantity__c != null){unitPrice = obj.objLine.Price_Per_Unit__c;
quantity = obj.objLine.Quantity__c; }
obj.outputFieldWrapper = unitPrice*quantity ;
Total_Value += obj.outputFieldWrapper ;
// Fetch the Price /unit for a certain product/* public void calculateRoomCharge1(){system.debug('enter calculateRoomCharge1');List<Product_Inv__c> productInvList = [SELECT id, name, Price_Unit__c FROM Product_Inv__c ];Map<id,Product_Inv__c> productInvMap=new Map<id,Product_Inv__c>(); // get price/unit for selected product for(Product_Inv__c p:productInvList) { productInvMap.put(,p);
}unitPrice = 0;quantity = 0;
Total_Value =0;
for(wrapperClass obj : listWrapper)
SObject record = (Line_Item__c)obj.objLine;
id rid=(Id )record.get('Product_Inv__c');
if(obj.objLine.Price_Per_Unit__c != null && obj.objLine.Quantity__c != null){unitPrice = obj.objLine.Price_Per_Unit__c;
quantity = obj.objLine.Quantity__c;
obj.outputFieldWrapper = unitPrice*quantity ;
Total_Value += obj.outputFieldWrapper ;
/ Controller: */
//public class dataTableCon {
List journals;
public List getJournals() {
if(journals == null)
journals = [SELECT name, Type__c, Total_Value__c, Journal_Date__c, Journal_Description__c, (SELECT Name, Product_Inv__c, Quantity__c FROM Line_Items__r) FROM Journal__c ORDER BY Journal__c.CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 20 ];
return journals;
//} }
Part of the code
public List<wrapperClass> listWrapper {get; set;}
public class wrapperClass{
public decimal price {get; set;}
public decimal quantity1 {get; set;}
public String product {get; set;}
public Line_Item__c objLine {get; set; }
// public Product_Inv__c objProduct {get; set; }
public Double outputFieldWrapper {get; set;}
public Integer index{get;set;} // for index line item for delete item
public wrapperClass(){
price = ; //decimal.valueOf(' ')
quantity1 = decimal.valueOf(' ');
product = '';
objLine = new Line_Item__c();