I'm running some AMPScrip in a Landing Page (in CloudPages). At one stage, I need to update a single Salesforce Object (Lead) with new information I got from a form.
I am using the Call Below:
SET @ResultUpdate = UpdateSingleSalesforceObject(
'FirstName', @FirstName,
'LastName', @LastName,
'email', @Email,
'Phone', @Phone,
'Company', @Company ,
'LeadSource', 'Campaign',
'Status', 'Open'
But it is not working. I wrapped the AMPScript in Server Side Javascript to get a more descriptive error and here is what I received back:
{"message":"Call to update the salesforceobject lead ID = 00Q2E00001sYFGrUAO failed! Error status code: DUPLICATES_DETECTED\nError message: Use one of these records?","description":"ExactTarget.OMM.FunctionExecutionException: Call to update the salesforceobject lead ID = 00Q2E00001sYFGrUAO failed! Error status code: DUPLICATES_DETECTED\nError message: Use one of these records?\r\n Error Code: UPDATESINGLESFOJBECT_FUNC_ERROR\r\n - from Jint\r\n\r\n"}
The error message says it is a duplicate record. Does anybody have any idea of why the UpdateSingleSalesforceObject call would check for duplicates?