Is there a way to apply more than one padding value to the lightning:layoutItem component? The examples in the documentation only show one value:

<lightning:layoutItem padding="around-small">

I've tried extending this to additional values, but these don't seem to work:

<lightning:layoutItem padding="around-small bottom-none">

What can you do if you want the padding property to have different values?

1 Answer 1


No, you can't, however, you can declare a class attribute and further add custom CSS to the Item or to the child elements to fit your requirement).

Additionally, the documentation provides the set of allowed values:

Sets padding to either the right and left sides of a container, or all sides of a container. Allowed values are horizontal-small, horizontal-medium, horizontal-large, around-small, around-medium, around-large.

  • For example: <lightning:layoutItem padding="around-small" class="slds-p-bottom_large"> Commented Sep 28, 2023 at 11:32

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