I have e response from a SOAP API which looks like the following

           <report xmlns=""/>
               <Bytes>(pdf bytes are here)JVBERi0xLjcKJeTjz...</Bytes>
               <FileName>PayNet Credit History Report - 

How can I save these bytes, which represent the pdf file, to a sObject? I know that attaching is done via Attachment object I successfully save plain text but the same code does not work for the pdf.

 public void AttachResponseToOpportunity(String xmlResponse, String contentType, String fileName, Id parentId, Boolean isPrivate) {
    Attachment attachment = new Attachment();

    Blob body = Blob.valueOf(xmlResponse);

    attachment.Body = body;
    attachment.Name = fileName;
    attachment.IsPrivate = isPrivate;
    attachment.ContentType = contentType;
    attachment.ParentId = parentId;

    List<SObject> attachments = new List<SObject> { attachment };

I found a couple of articles that show how I can save a VF page as pdf but none of them helps me because I have the pdf in bytes, not as a page.

1 Answer 1


Hello after a bit more research I found out how to save the pdf bytes as an Attachment object.

This is the code:

 public void AttachResponseToOpportunity(String pdfBytes, String contentType, String fileName, Id parentId, Boolean isPrivate) {
    Attachment attachment = new Attachment();

    attachment.Body = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(pdfBytes);
    attachment.Name = fileName;
    attachment.IsPrivate = isPrivate;
    attachment.ContentType = contentType;
    attachment.ParentId = parentId;

    List<SObject> attachments = new List<SObject> { attachment };

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