I've built an XML SOAP API request which retrieves the names of all Automations within our BU. It looks like this:
SET @endpoint = "https://[endpoint key -censored].soap.marketingcloudapis.com/Service.asmx"
SET @payload = ""
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<soapenv:Envelope
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<soapenv:Header>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand='1'
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id='UsernameToken-'
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<wsse:Username>[Username -censored]</wsse:Username>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<wsse:Password Type='http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText'>[Password -censored]</wsse:Password>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "</wsse:UsernameToken>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "</wsse:Security>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "</soapenv:Header>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<soapenv:Body>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<RetrieveRequestMsg xmlns='http://exacttarget.com/wsdl/partnerAPI'>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<RetrieveRequest>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<ObjectType>Program</ObjectType>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "<Properties>Name</Properties>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "</RetrieveRequest>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "</RetrieveRequestMsg>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "</soapenv:Body>")
SET @payload = Concat(@payload, "</soapenv:Envelope>")
HTTPPost2(@endpoint,'text/xml;charset=UTF-8',@payload, false, @output, @respheader,'SOAPAction','Retrieve')
In Postman my response is properly formatted in XML, when I output the response of the HttpPost2() on the CloudPage page I get this:
ACMJourney (copy) - 2019-05-22T050539.309
Brand ATest - 2017-05-17T095401.256
WelcomeJourney test - 2020-01-21T082909.000
ExactEvergageCA - 2020-01-21T043800.430
NoConditions - 2019-12-02T034244.241
Exact WhatsApp Demo - 2020-01-07T060749.923
Import sftpWebActivity Journey Test
Demo audience - 2017-05-18T062455.383
Test Journey Pascal - 2019-12-09T040317.706
I've formatted the response here for readability, as the real response has no line breaks and looks like one giant string and is pretty unreadable. It has no delimiter, so BuildRowSetFromString() doesn't work, BuildRowSetFromXML() doesn't work either. Anyone have a clue how I can process this data into a RowSet or how I can get an response in a XML or delimited format? Or did I forget something in the API call?