I am working on a method that adds business days using the BusinessHours class.

Here is the method I'm working on:

public static Date addBusinessDays(Date d, integer dayDifference, Id businessHoursId)
    if(d != null) {
        if(dayDifference > 0)
            integer counter = dayDifference;
            for(integer i = 1; i <= counter; i++) {
                if(!BusinessHours.isWithin(businessHoursId, (Datetime)d.addDays(i)))
            return d.addDays(counter);
            integer counter = dayDifference;
            if(d != null) {
                for(integer i = -1; i >= counter; i--)
                    if(!BusinessHours.isWithin(businessHoursId, (Datetime)d.addDays(i))) {
                return d.addDays(counter);
    return null;

I'm using the BusinessHours isWithin method inside the loop and that is causing a CPU limit exception. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to re-factor the method and move the isWithin method outside of the loop or some way to re-factor to avoid the CPU limit exception.


1 Answer 1


You should create a Utility class like this

public with sharing class BusinessHoursServices
    //retrieves & assign the Organization level Business Hours to defaultBH 
    @testVisible static BusinessHours defaultBH
            if (defaultBH == null)
                defaultBH = [SELECT Id FROM BusinessHours WHERE IsDefault = true];
            return defaultBH;
        private set;

    public static Boolean isWithin()
        return isWithin(Datetime.now());

    public static Boolean isWithin(Datetime input)
        return BusinessHours.isWithin(defaultBH.Id, input);

    public static  Datetime nextStartDate()
        return nextStartDate(Datetime.now());

    public static Datetime nextStartDate(Datetime input)
        return BusinessHours.nextStartDate(defaultBH.Id, input);

    public static Datetime getSLATimeByBusinessHour (DateTime input, Integer SLAhours)
        return BusinessHours.add(defaultBH.Id,input, SLAhours* 60 * 60 * 1000L);


and call getSLATimeByBusinessHour with appropriate parameters.

For more information refer my blog post Example of BusinessHours calculation

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