I am running into a CPU limit error when processing more than + or - 300 rows from a .csv file, via a Visualforce page/controller. I realize CPU limits can have a lot to do with other items running in the background (WF, PB, Validation, other triggers, etc.).
I'm wondering, however, if there is any way I can enhance the code below to reduce CPU usage. For example, say a user uploads a .csv file via the Visualforce page, and the file has 300 rows. What would be the best method to process the first 200 rows of the .csv file > Save to database > process the last 100 rows of the .csv file?
You can see that for() loop in the code below processes each of .csv lines individually > adds them to a list > a Database.update method is used to update the records in the list.
public class updateChannelLeads {
public Blob csvFileBody{get;set;}
Public string csvAsString{get;set;}
Public String[] csvfilelines{get;set;}
Public List <Lead> sObjectList {get;set;}
public List <Lead> leadsToUpdateSuccess {get;set;}
public List <Lead> leadsToUpdateError {get;set;}
Public String userName {get;set;}
public updateChannelLeads()
csvfilelines = new String[]{};
sObjectList = New List<Lead>();
Public void updateLeads(){
leadsToUpdateSuccess = New List<Lead>();
leadsToUpdateError = New List<Lead>();
User currentUser = [SELECT Id, Name FROM User WHERE Id = :userinfo.getUserId()];
userName = currentUser.Name;
csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvfilelines = csvAsString.split('\n');
for(Integer i=1;i<csvfilelines.size();i++)
String[] csvRecordData = csvFileLines[i].split(',');
String LeadId = csvRecordData[0];
String ResellerId = csvRecordData[1];
System.debug('LeadId: '+LeadId);
System.debug('ResellerId: '+ResellerId);
String LeadIdNormalized = LeadId.normalizeSpace();
String ResellerIdNormalized = ResellerId.normalizeSpace();
System.debug('LeadId: '+LeadIdNormalized);
System.debug('ResellerId: '+ResellerIdNormalized);
Lead lObj = new Lead();
lObj.Id = Id.valueOf(LeadIdNormalized);
lObj.Reseller__c = Id.valueOf(ResellerIdNormalized);
lObj.ProcessedByUpdateChannelLeadPage__c = TRUE;
lObj.DateTimeProcessedByUpdateChannelLeadPage__c = system.now();
System.debug('List: '+sObjectList);
catch(Exception e)
ApexPages.Message errorMessage = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'NOTE: all Leads that did not result in an error were successfully updated. Error Message: '+e.getMessage());
Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.update(sObjectList, false);
for (Database.SaveResult sr : srList){
System.debug('Successfully updated Lead. Lead Id: '+sr.getId());
for(Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()){
System.debug('The following error has occurred.');
System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': '+err.getMessage());
System.debug('Lead fields that affected this error: '+err.getFields());
ApexPages.Message errorMessage = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.Error,'Some of the Leads were not updated, due to the following error. Error Message: '+err.getMessage()+' | '+err.getFields());
leadsToUpdateSuccess = [Select Id, X18_digit_id__c, Reseller__c, ResellerId__c, LastModifiedBy.Name, LastModifiedDate, ProcessedByUpdateChannelLeadPage__c, DateTimeProcessedByUpdateChannelLeadPage__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN:sObjectList AND LastModifiedBy.Name = :userName AND LastModifiedDate = TODAY AND Reseller__c != NULL];
System.debug('leadsToUpdateSuccess: '+leadsToUpdateSuccess);
leadsToUpdateError = [Select Id, X18_digit_id__c, Reseller__c, ResellerId__c, Name, ProcessedByUpdateChannelLeadPage__c, DateTimeProcessedByUpdateChannelLeadPage__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN:sObjectList AND Reseller__c = NULL AND ProcessedByUpdateChannelLeadPage__c = FALSE AND DateTimeProcessedByUpdateChannelLeadPage__c = null];
System.debug('leadsToUpdateError: '+leadsToUpdateError);