I need to insert Monthly Revenue Forecast records for each Opportunity that's been inserted / updated, matches my criteria and caused the trigger to fire.
When I execute the below, in bulk via a test class, it causes an error
System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded
I've already changed the lines after if(*list* size() > 0){
from for(Opportunity o : insOpps){
to use the SOQL query's instead.
And my trigger's not updating any fields on the Opportunity - and therefore causing the trigger to fire again.
So I'm guessing that either I've got my syntax wrong (but I am closing each For loop and have the DLM statements outside the loops) or my use of integers with the SOQL for loop is causing the issue, could you please suggest potential causes?
trigger MRFv2 on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
List<WEID__c> weids = WEID__c.getall().values();
Set<Id> validRecordTypeIds = new Set<Id>();
// add Opportunity Record Type Ids from Custom Setting to list of valid Ids
for(WEID__c weid: weids) {
try {
} catch (System.StringException e) {
'Invalid Record Type Id ' + weid.WEOppId__c);
List<Opportunity> insOpps = new List<Opportunity>();
List<Opportunity> upOpps = new List<Opportunity>();
Map<Id,Integer> forecastDuration = new Map<Id,Integer>();
Map<Integer,String> monthName = new Map<Integer,String>{1 => 'January', 2 => 'February', 3 => 'March', 4 => 'April', 5 => 'May', 6 => 'June', 7 => 'July', 8 => 'August', 9 => 'September', 10 => 'October', 11 => 'November', 12 => 'December'};
List<Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c> existMRFs = new List<Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c>();
List<Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c> newMRFs = new List<Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c>();
Map<Id,Decimal> rampSett = new Map<Id,Decimal>();
Map<Id,Decimal> rampTxnRev = new Map<Id,Decimal>();
for(Opportunity o : Trigger.New){
Opportunity oldO = Trigger.OldMap.get(o.Id);
if(oldO.CloseDate != o.CloseDate
oldO.Annual_Settlement_Value__c != o.Annual_Settlement_Value__c
oldO.Implementation_Revenue__c != o.Implementation_Revenue__c
oldO.Implementation_Revenue_as_a_of_FSR__c != oldO.Implementation_Revenue_as_a_of_FSR__c
oldO.FSR_End_Date__c != o.FSR_End_Date__c
oldO.Monthly_Txn_Revenue_POS__c != o.Monthly_Txn_Revenue_POS__c
oldO.Annual_transaction_volume__c != o.Annual_transaction_volume__c)
forecastDuration.put(o.Id, o.Implementation_Revenue__c.monthsBetween(o.FSR_End_Date__c));
system.debug('upOpps contains ' + upOpps);
system.debug('forecastDuration contains ' + forecastDuration);
//if old.Map is null, record has been inserted & MRF records should be added
}catch(system.NullPointerException e){
forecastDuration.put(o.Id, o.Implementation_Revenue__c.monthsBetween(o.FSR_End_Date__c));
if(insOpps.size() > 0){
for(Opportunity o : [SELECT Id,Name,Implementation_Revenue__c,Implementation_Revenue_as_a_of_FSR__c,
FROM Opportunity
WHERE Id IN :insOpps])
Date ic = o.Implementation_Revenue__c;
Integer icm = o.Implementation_Revenue__c.month();//DELETE?
//Ramp calculations
Decimal increment = o.Implementation_Revenue_as_a_of_FSR__c / 100;
Integer rDur = (1 / increment).setscale(0,roundingMode.DOWN).intValue();
Integer fcstDuration = forecastDuration.get(o.Id);
Decimal monthlySett = o.Annual_Settlement_Value__c / fcstDuration;
Decimal annualTxnRev = o.Annual_transaction_volume__c*o.Monthly_Txn_Revenue_POS__c;
Decimal monthlyTxnRev = annualTxnRev/fcstDuration;
//FSR calculations
Integer fsrDur = forecastDuration.get(o.Id) - rDur;
Decimal settLoopTotal = 0.00;
Decimal txnrevLoopTotal = 0.00;
//add Monthly Forecast records for 'ramp' months
for(Integer m = 0; m < rDur; m++){
Decimal ramp = increment*(m + 1);
Decimal monthSett = monthlySett*ramp;
Decimal monthTxnRev = monthlyTxnRev*ramp;
Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c fm = new Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c();
fm.Opportunity__c = o.Id;
fm.CurrencyIsoCode = o.CurrencyIsoCode;
fm.Name = monthName.get(ic.addMonths(m).month()) +' '+ ic.addMonths(m).year();
fm.Revenue_Date__c = ic.addMonths(m + 1).toStartOfMonth() - 1;
fm.Monthly_Settlement1__c = monthSett;
fm.Transaction_Revenue__c = monthTxnRev;
settLoopTotal = settLoopTotal + monthSett;
txnrevLoopTotal = txnrevLoopTotal + monthTxnRev;
if(m == rDur - 1){
settLoopTotal = 0;
txnrevLoopTotal = 0;
Decimal mnthlyFsrSett = (o.Annual_Settlement_Value__c - rampSett.get(o.Id)) / fsrDur;
Decimal mnthlyFsrTxnRev = (annualTxnRev - rampTxnRev.get(o.Id)) / fsrDur;
//add Monthly Forecast Records for rFSR Months
for(Integer m = rDur; m < rDur + fsrDur; m++){
Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c fm = new Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c();
fm.Opportunity__c = o.Id;
fm.CurrencyIsoCode = o.CurrencyIsoCode;
fm.Name = monthName.get(ic.addMonths(m).month()) +' '+ ic.addMonths(m).year();
fm.Revenue_Date__c = ic.addMonths(m + 1).toStartOfMonth() - 1;
fm.Monthly_Settlement1__c = mnthlyFsrSett;
fm.Transaction_Revenue__c = mnthlyFsrTxnRev;
if(upOpps.size() > 0){
for(Opportunity o : [SELECT Id,
(SELECT Id FROM Monthly_Revenue_Forecasts__r) FROM Opportunity
WHERE Id IN :upOpps])
if(o.Monthly_Revenue_Forecasts__r.size()> 0){
delete existMRFs;
for(Opportunity o : [SELECT Id,Name,Implementation_Revenue__c,Implementation_Revenue_as_a_of_FSR__c,
FROM Opportunity
WHERE Id IN :upOpps])
Date ic = o.Implementation_Revenue__c;
Integer icm = o.Implementation_Revenue__c.month();//DELETE?
//Ramp calculations
Decimal increment = o.Implementation_Revenue_as_a_of_FSR__c / 100;
Integer rDur = (1 / increment).setscale(0,roundingMode.DOWN).intValue();
Integer fcstDuration = forecastDuration.get(o.Id);
Decimal monthlySett = o.Annual_Settlement_Value__c / fcstDuration;
Decimal annualTxnRev = o.Annual_transaction_volume__c*o.Monthly_Txn_Revenue_POS__c;
Decimal monthlyTxnRev = annualTxnRev / fcstDuration;
//FSR calculations
Integer fsrDur = forecastDuration.get(o.Id) - rDur;
Decimal settLoopTotal = 0.00;
Decimal txnrevLoopTotal = 0.00;
//add Monthly Forecast records for 'ramp' months
for(Integer m = 0; m < rDur; m++){
Decimal ramp = increment*(m + 1);
Decimal monthSett = monthlySett*ramp;
Decimal monthTxnRev = monthlyTxnRev*ramp;
Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c fm = new Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c();
fm.Opportunity__c = o.Id;
fm.CurrencyIsoCode = o.CurrencyIsoCode;
fm.Name = monthName.get(ic.addMonths(m).month()) +' '+ ic.addMonths(m).year();
fm.Revenue_Date__c = ic.addMonths(m + 1).toStartOfMonth() - 1;
fm.Monthly_Settlement1__c = monthSett;
fm.Transaction_Revenue__c = monthTxnRev;
settLoopTotal = settLoopTotal + monthSett;
txnrevLoopTotal = txnrevLoopTotal + monthTxnRev;
if(m == rDur - 1){
settLoopTotal = 0;
txnrevLoopTotal = 0;
Decimal mnthlyFsrSett = (o.Annual_Settlement_Value__c - rampSett.get(o.Id)) / fsrDur;
Decimal mnthlyFsrTxnRev = (annualTxnRev - rampTxnRev.get(o.Id)) / fsrDur;
//add Monthly Forecast Records for rFSR Months
for(Integer m = rDur; m < rDur + fsrDur; m++){
Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c fm = new Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c();
fm.Opportunity__c = o.Id;
fm.CurrencyIsoCode = o.CurrencyIsoCode;
fm.Name = monthName.get(ic.addMonths(m).month()) +' '+ ic.addMonths(m).year();
fm.Revenue_Date__c = ic.addMonths(m + 1).toStartOfMonth() - 1;
fm.Monthly_Settlement1__c = mnthlyFsrSett;
fm.Transaction_Revenue__c = mnthlyFsrTxnRev;
//if test for empty list?
insert newMRFS;
When I reduce the number of records which are inserted / updated in my test Class, a different error message is displayed
Too many DML rows: 10001
I've now isolated the cause of the DML row issue to the second inner loop for the section of my code that starts if(upOpps.size() > 0){
. If I comment out the section, see below, the trigger passes my test successfully.
Decimal mnthlyFsrSett = (o.Annual_Settlement_Value__c - rampSett.get(o.Id)) / fsrDur;
Decimal mnthlyFsrTxnRev = (annualTxnRev - rampTxnRev.get(o.Id)) / fsrDur;
//add Monthly Forecast Records for rFSR Months
/* For(Integer m = rDur; m < rDur + fsrDur; m++){
Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c fm = new Monthly_Revenue_Forecast__c();
fm.Opportunity__c = o.Id;
fm.CurrencyIsoCode = o.CurrencyIsoCode;
fm.Name = monthName.get(ic.addMonths(m).month()) +' '+ ic.addMonths(m).year();
fm.Revenue_Date__c = ic.addMonths(m + 1).toStartOfMonth() - 1;
fm.Monthly_Settlement1__c = mnthlyFsrSett;
fm.Transaction_Revenue__c = mnthlyFsrTxnRev;
//if test for empty list?
insert newMRFS;
This is pretty odd as the inner loop is a copy from the if(insOpps.size() > 0){
section, which does have code coverage.
The size of the upOpps list is 0, if I add the debug line just before or just after if(upOpps.size() > 0){
whereas insOpps size is 200.
But my test class inserts the 200 Opportunities and then does update them - I have code coverage for the lines after the upOpps size if test.
Test Class
//create Opportunitys to update, in bulk
List<Opportunity> opportunitys = new List<Opportunity>();
for (Integer i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
o.name = 'Test Opp' + i;
o.RecordTypeId = '012700000005qif';
o.OwnerId = u.Id;
o.StageName = '1) Suspect';
o.CloseDate = date.newInstance(2015,06,15);
o.Implementation_Revenue__c = date.newInstance(2015, 08, 15);
o.FSR_End_Date__c = date.newInstance(2016, 08, 15);
o.Implementation_Revenue_as_a_of_FSR__c = 40;
//cover Forecast validation rules
o.Monthly_Txn_Revenue_POS__c = 0;
o.Annual_transaction_volume__c = 0;
//cover Credit Agreement Details Required validation rule
o.Credit_Limit__c = 100.00;
o.Date_Credit_Limit_Approved__c = date.newInstance(1901, 01, 01);
o.Payment_Terms_Days__c = 5;
o.Billing_Cycle__c = 'Daily';
//cover Revenue Values Required validation rule
o.Annual_Settlement_Value__c = 100.00;
o.Average_transaction_Value_POS__c = 1.00;
insert opportunitys;
system.debug('opportunitys contains ' + opportunitys);
for(Opportunity upOppsDate : opportunitys){
upOppsDate.CloseDate = date.newInstance(2015,07,15);
update opportunitys;